Pool Maintenance and Advice
With over 50 ayears combined experience in the pool industry we are able to provide pool care and advice from a servicemen’s perspective to aid in extending the life of your pool equipment.
Onsite we can assess all equipment and machinery and provide advice on any repairs or service required.In our workshop we can set up most swimming and spa pool equipment on our tanks to allow us to wet test units through several cycles of operation. We also have a swimming pool available to test any pool vacuums. Our chemical team can advise needs to creating and keeping a good water balance. We can also assist in green pool clean ups.

We offer either our MONTHLY POOL CARE SERVICE of which is a 4 weekly onsite water balance and machinery assessment or our REGULAR VALET SERVICE where we visit more often and includes vacuuming and brushing as required.
Water testing and quality Poolwise chemicals are available from our showroom.
We have a full diver service available to perform leak detection and underwater repairs as required
We are one of the only pool companies with our own electricians and repair workshop to take care of all your repairs “in-house”.
Davis Electrics, Pumps & Pool Care is your one stop shop for electrical services, pumps, and all your pool supplies including – pool equipment, pool water testing and chemical supplies
Even though our base is in the Takanini, Papakura area of South Auckland, our technicians cover all of the greater Auckland area and further south into Pukekohe and Franklin areas.
We also have our own divers for pressure testing, leak detection and underwater repairs.
80% of keeping your pool clean and healthy relies on filtration and circulation.
There are different types of pool filters but most are either cartridge filters or media filters. Most media filters are now using crushed glass as the filter media.
The filter size is based on the volume of the pools water. A pump creating good flow is essential but the pump must be matched to the filter. A flow rate to low will result in the filter not cleaning during a backwash cycle. A flow rate to high could push the water through the filter faster than media can catch and filter the containaments from the water. We aim to turnover the entire pool every 4 – 6 hours.
The filter will need to be cleaned on a regular basis. Cartridge filters by removing and hosing the cartridge with ocassional deep cleaning with a degreaser and sanitizer. Media filters by backwashing and rinsing. Cleaning frequency will depend on bather load, number of children (sunscreen), number of females (makeup), animals (1 dog is equivalent to 60 people), equipment and surroundings
Pool can be sanitised manually, semi automatically or fully automatic.
Manual is achieved by adding either liquid chlorine, powder chlorine or tablet chlorine on a regular basis
Semi automatic is usually via salt chlorination which produces chlorine gas directly into the pool water as the water passes over a electronically controlled cell. Chlorination levels in the pool will alter with use.
Fully automatic will use either a salt chlorinator or liquid chlorine pumps controlled by an electronic controller that has probes in the water to test levels and produce as required