Swimming Pool Cleaners
Pool Cleaning System
There are three types of pool cleaning systems – Manual / Automatic / Robotic.
Manual cleaning equipment consists of a pole which different types of accessories fit to the end . These include different types of brushes, scoops, rakes and shovels as well as vacuum heads either roller vac heads or brush vac heads. The vacuum heads connect to a vacuum plate in the skimmer via a hose therefore all debris is captured by the filter.
Automatic cleaners also connect to the skimmer via hose to a vacuum plate and automatically crawl or pulse around the pool floor and walls. Because the cleaner is connected to the skimmer the debris is captured by the media filter. The advantages of an automatic cleaner is they clean the pool for you and are less expensive than Robotic cleaners. The disadvantage is they are cumbersome to set up and they use the pools filtration system which reduces it’s efficiency and while connected there is also no skimming action clearing the debris of the water surface.
Robotic cleaners are the most expensive type of cleaner but as they are separately powered they run independently from the pools filtration system leaving the system at the efficiency levels as per designs of the pool builders. The skimmers also have no obstruction so can operate normally and clear debris from the water surface. We recommend the the Maytronics Dolphin range of cleaners and have demo machines available for trial in your pool.