Test & Tags
Test & Tag
Using our PAT tester we can carry out electrical tool/appliance testing to comply with AS/NZS 3760 and provide a full test summary of all items tested.
Having appropriately tested and tags tools is not only compulsory on all construction sites but also gives users the piece of mind their gear has been checked for safety on a regular basis. A tag does not mean the tool is still safe but was safe at the time of testing. Users should still double check their equipment before use. We are often surprised at the condition of tools that some people are still willing to use.
Damaged leads and cords are the most common and dangerous faults. If there is an accident onsite, one of the first things Worksafe look for is the current test tag as a current tag indicates the employer is conscience of Workplace safety rules.

You can visit our workshop or we can organise an onsite visit at your convenience. We are aware that needing to down tools for testing is an inconvenience in any work day so Saturday morning testing is an option available with prior arrangement.
Failures can be assessed and quoted by our workshop for any repairs needed.